Saturday, September 5, 2009

Zachary Owen Yeager

So as many of you know I was having a hard time with my baby not wanting to come out. I usually deliver my babies around three weeks early so for me this time it was like going past my due date. It was the longest time I've been pregnant. He decided to stay in til 39 weeks. He was only born 1 week early. My fear always was that if my babies stayed in any longer than 37 weeks they would be too big for me to be able to push them out and I'd have to get a c-section. Surprisingly I was wrong about that one. Zachary was born weighing 8lbs. 1.1 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long. I was very shocked when they said that because it wasn't any harder to push him out than the rest were. It hurt the same except for this time I had the most excruciating pain in my lower back and hip. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to die but I didn't and I was able to focus enough and push him out in only four pushes my sister informed me after. I'm glad it was a fast labor and I'm soooooooo happy that he is finally here. Kaleigh had the opportunity to be there and she did phenomenal. She was worried about how I was doing she's so sweet that way and very excited to be able to finally see her brother. Caleb didn't get a chance to see Zachary his first visit to the hospital because Zachary had a bit of trouble with his breathing so he spent the whole first day in ccn. He did very well the whole time he was in there so he came back to the room with us the next day. I was curious to how he would react seeing the baby and I was right to think he was going to have a really hard time adjusting. The first few minutes he wanted nothing to do with the baby going as far as swatting and kicking the baby away from him. Finally Tio bob helped him to hold the baby and as you can see in the photos in the slide he warmed up to him pretty fast. He didn't quite understand that he was his new brother because the whole first day home he kept saying "The baby wants his mom, his mom lost". I told him I was his mom but he didn't like that he said "NO". And when we went to take him to the doctors I put him in his car seat and Caleb got very excited and ran over to him and said "Baby go home " with a big smile on his face. I told him that he WAS home and we were just taking him to the doctors. Something finally clicked that day and I guess he figured the baby was staying with us and he had no choice but to accept it. He's doing much better and becoming quite the helper sometimes to much of a helper but I'm glad he likes him. Kaleigh is very excited that she was able to spend some time with him before she starts school on Tuesday. I'll update on how that first day of kindergarden works. I'll post more pictures of Zachary as soon as I take more. Life is a little crazy right now so bear with me. I hope you enjoy these of the hospital for now.


The Metzgers said...

All this writing! I am shocked.

Brandi said...

He is a DOLL Melisa, congratulations!!!! And Kaleigh looks just fabulous as they have uniforms for her school? How are you feeling? I'll give you a call sometime this week.