Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We went to the neurologist last Tuesday and she had the results to the MRI. It turns out it wasn't a normal MRI and something different came up on his. On the left part of his brain he has a clump that is called "Periventricular Heterotopia". Which basically means that between the 2nd and 4th month of pregnancy when his brain is developing there are cells that migrate to the edges of the brain and some of his did not. so instead they clumped up and are now causing the seizures. They put him on medication he is taking Keppra twice a day and will continue for a while. I don't know for sure but it seems like the medicine has controlled the seizures seeing that he has not had another. But we will see for sure when the day comes that they may want to reduce the dose. He is doing great and you would never know by looking at him that he experienced any of this. He has been a super trooper through it all and has shown more patience than I could ever have. He's also been very good at taking the medicine (thank goodness). We thank everyone for all the prayers and are very grateful to have so many people who love Caleb. Here are some funny looking pictures of Caleb when he had his EEG!

The little red monster was given to him at the MRI appointment to be his buddy during the procedure. He was able to name him and take him home with him. He named him "I don't know I don't know". We thought that was pretty funny>